Friday, March 2, 2012

Etsy Find: Wish Bracelets from Ayofemi Jewelry

I find that when I am surfing Etsy shops I love finding creators that are from my neck of the woods. It brings a joy to my face when I see people being creative and local. Local shops have always had a small place in my heart. This past month I have found a lovely Etsy shop called Ayofemi Jewelry . They have the cutest bracelets ever and they are just my style. Small and dainty!
This is my favorite bracelet from their shop call The Wish bracelet. It is just so darn adorable! 
Here are some of the other colors it comes in. 
These are a great gifts. I am actually gifting one of these to my friends! My best friend actually. I went shopping crazy and bought friendship bracelets but have sadly lost them. I picked out some cute colors for my best pal and I. I'll get back to you on how she likes them but I personally love them. They are a great addition to any jewelry crazy gal! 
You can buy this gems here: Ayofemi Jewelry 
These images are not mine and are from Ayofemi Jewelry.

I am back!

When I first started this blog about a year ago it never occurred to me that people would actually take a peek at it. I tend to use it only to follow other bloggers I can only wish to be like. Today I got on and realized that on my very first post I had made had some comments. I was delighted for some odd reason. I mean this is just a blog but it just makes me happy to see people responding even if I am a year late. Thank you to those who have stuck around even though Charmayne Jay has been a dead blog. I am looking forward to posting regularly!